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TLDW- 5 Ways to Evaluate Tech to Improve Learning (Matt Miller)

1. Start with the end in mind.

Think about what our end goal is for students to be able to accomplish. What experiences and activities do students need to do to achieve that goal ? What digital tools can help accomplish this?

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people try to make a digital tool fit a project and then get frustrated when it doesn't work. We shouldn't be using technology for the sake of using technology. For tech integration to be successful, we must find digital tools which would help accomplish learning goals. Not the other way around. 2. Gauge success of other teachers.

This can help you stay away from glitchy, not useful tools. Look for buzz on social media. Check Twitter!

I will be honest. This is how I discovered two of my favorite tools- Nearpod and Flipgrid. Twitter was blowing up about these tools and the hype never slowed down. 3. Create an experience.

This idea comes from Dave Burgess' book Teach like a Pirate. We want to create experiences, not just teach lessons. In order to accomplish this, we MUST be willing to step outside of our comfort zones! Virtual Reality is a new technology, but can create immersive, memorable experiences. Video conferencing with a class from another country or a scientist can seem daunting, but students will make connections like never before.

4. Create engaging repetitions.

This must be meaningful and engaging repetitions or they are fruitless. Worksheets become a hurdle to cross for students. Quizlet offers a variety of games which can be used to offer meaningful repetition.

I'm just gonna leave this right here....

5. Create something digitally.

Creation allows students to make meaning of the world around them. Students should be creators instead of consumers. There is unlimited power and potential when students are allowed to create something to demonstrate their understanding.

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Mother. Daughter. Sister. Educator. Friend. Follower of Jesus. Technology Integration Specialist. Obsessed with Grammar and Spelling. Passionate about reaching students and supporting teachers.

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